Green salad and poultry gizzards

A small salad hummmm, very good !! for 2 in main course.
Ingredients: 1 salad (for me lettuce heart or iceberg), 1 avocado, 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 small tin but, about 250g of poultry gizzards.Olive oils, salt, pepper, Balsamic vinegar.
I preferred to serve the plate.
Cook the eggs with the hard.
Cook the gizzards in a short broth of Once the gizzards are cooked drained and left to cool.
Place the salad in the plates, peel and cut the avocado in dice and divide in the plates and drain for the corn, deci In the plate, place the hard-boiled eggs, the slices and place them on the plate. Season the gizzards with salt and pepper and lightly grill them in the pan. Pour a drizzle of olive oil, balsamic vinegar (spray it is Nikel) Put the gizzards in the plate and enjoy with a good slice of fresh bread.
My husband added croutons and fried onions.
Good appetite!